
I am a naturopathic physician with a background in biochemistry, physics, and engineering. I have a particular and personal interest in autoimmune diseases and gastrointestinal illness, both of which afflict several members of my family.

I appreciate great health because I have known sickness. I bring an engineer’s approach to medicine. I’m committed to getting results, examining your case piece by piece, and personalizing the care so that you can be fully realized and can stretch beyond the status quo.

The Latin root of the word “doctor” is docere, which means to teach, to instruct. My first experience with “doctoring” manifested as a knack for fixing old motorcycles and teaching the local rowdies to do the same. This experience helped me develop the skillset of systems diagnosis and I discovered how much I enjoy puzzling through complex problems.

When I was a teenager, several family members were diagnosed with autoimmune conditions, including Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, and others. Bearing witness to their struggles, I became an autoimmune advocate. I saw firsthand how frustrated they were with their care. They’d see their specialist a few times a year and each time they’d come away still having no idea how deal with the day to day challenges of living with their disease.

I saw the gap in their care, and now I work with patients to fill that gap so that they can live well with autoimmunity. I bring the patient perspective in to the doctor’s office so that my patients can take their care beyond the office.

I am one of only a very few physicians in North America offering in-office administration of FMT for the treatment of C. difficile infection. I also offer medical guidance in an outpatient setting for the use of FMT in adults with Inflammatory Bowel Disease and other autoimmune conditions.

More information about me can be found by following the links below, where you can  read about my insights into the correlation between the evolutionary history of autoimmunity and the loss of the microbiome, and my experiences providing medical care at home and abroad.

Credentials and Affiliations

My personal interest in Autoimmune Disease and the Microbiome